Avoiding Heat Stroke during the Hot Summer Months

Obviously HEAT is a serious factor during summer.

Please remember to keep yourself well hydrated.

Do not wait until you feel thirsty.  It takes 24 to 48 hours to properly re-hydrate.

Take yourself out of a box run if you feel extreme fatigue.

Symptoms of Heat Exhaustion

·  Headaches, dizziness, light headedness, and even fainting

·  Weakness, and moist skin

·  Mood changes such as irritability or confusion

·  Upset stomach or vomiting


Symptoms of Heat Stroke

·  Dry, hot skin with no sweating

·  Mental confusion or losing consciousness

·  Seizures or convulsions

Preventing Heat Stress

·  Know signs and symptoms of heat related illnesses; monitor yourself and your coworkers

·  Rest when possible

·  Drink lots of water.  About 1 cup every 15 minutes is recommended.

·  Wear lightweight, light colored, loose fitting clothes

·   Avoid alcohol, caffeinated drinks, or heavy meals

What to do for heat related illness

·   Call 911.

While waiting for help to arrive:

·   Move the worker to a cool shaded area.

·   Loosen or remove heavy clothing.

·   Provide cool drinking water

·   Fan and mist the person with water

If your local move needs to happen during the blistering heat of summer, consider Box Ox Moving, a professional moving company. We’ll take care of the moving so you can focus on your new home! Call 512-861-8707 or get a free moving quote online.

